Sunday, August 31, 2008

We're at the beach, beach, beach

After a long tortuous trip, we finally have arrived at the beach, beach, beach! We're happy to be in Nags Head, N.C., and finally out of the car. Our house is pretty cool. We have bunk beds and fish in our room. We have a swimming pool (Jacuzzi) at our house. We can see the ocean from our porch and hear the waves. We played in the sand a little when we arrived. Today, we're going to stay at the beach all day. We're so excited to get to the beach that we woke up at 6 a.m. today. But Grandma laid down with us and we took a long nap this morning so that everyone else could sleep in some.
Later today we're having cake for Aunt Sara's birthday. She's an old woman now! (30)
(We're also happy that WVU won their first football game of the season. Go Mountaineers!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Digging for Dinosaurs

Today was Dino Day at the Clay Center. Mommy took us to look for dinosaurs. We had a great time. What a dinosaur adventure! We did our usual activities when we visited the museum -- played in the balls; on the slide; and with the musical instruments in the kids corner. Today, we also colored pictures of dinosaurs, looked at fossils and just like real paleotologists, we used brushes to discover dinosaur bones! And for a souvenir we each had a toy dinosaur to bring home with us! It was a great adventure.

Later, Mommy painted her toenails while Lilly slept. I told her I wanted to paint to and wanted to be like her! So she just had to paint my nails! But only the ones on my big toes.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sweet & Sour

The terrible twos are arriving early with Lilly.

We didn't think it possible, but sweet little lilly is becoming a bit of a pill. And leaving a sour taste in our mouths.

Of course, you know she's the girly girl so she's all about dressing up in the heels (above photo.) Doesn't she look ready to walk the catwalk? And then she breaths fire at us. Like at dinner tonight, when she refused to eat anything and kept telling us no and then growled at us. We laughed (under our mouths) and then, yes, I tried to record it. But for some reason I can't get the video to load. So you'll just have to take my word for it. It was ugly and yet funny at the same time.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A melody, by belle

Belle loves to sing.

Lately she makes up her own tune and own words. Often, she combines several songs she knows to create her own medley. On our way to Chuck E. Cheese, she sang that Jesus told her to poop on the word of God. (medley of Jesus loves me and B-I-B-L-E) She was receiving a reward for finally getting potty trained.


We can hardly believe it, but the time has finally come! Belle is now fully potty-trained. We still have the occasional accident, but no more diapers! I'm so overcome with joy I could cry. In celebration of her going to the potty for two weeks, we finally took her to visit the big guy -- Chuck E. Cheese. Our cousin, Jenny, was in visiting us that weekend and so Jenny experienced the wonder (and craziness) that is Chuck E. Cheese.

We were glad to have Jenny visit us and watch the girls for us two days. Belle cried tonight and said, "I miss the guys, Mommy!" The "guys" are Aunt Barbara, Jenny and Mo. Barb and Mo came to pick up Jenny yesterday and we all had a nice visit to the mall. Belle is so found of them that she asked if they were coming for dinner tonight too!