Wednesday, November 29, 2006



I know it's been awhile since I've written, but I haven't had time. That's right. I'm nearly 18 months old and I've got a busy schedule. I'm now going to daycare for half day every day. I'm still not sure if I like it, but it's growing on me. I come home in the afternoons and hang with Lilly and Granny. Lilly is starting to smile at me now. Last night, I shared my insights about Mommy and Daddy with her. I told her to follow my lead and I'd show her the ropes; show her how to get your way with the folks!

Tonight I helped Daddy decorate this tiny Christmas tree that we have in our living room. I guess the tree used to belong to Mommy and she made the ornaments when she was a little girl. We also watched Rudoplph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. But I only like the snowman, not the reindeer.

Mommy keeps trying to bribe me into being good. She told me if I don't stop throwing tantrums then Santa isn't going to bring me any presents this year. I'm not sure I like Santa either!


From all the photos you see of me, it looks as though all I do is sleep. That's just not true! I just can't get the parents to take a picture of me when I'm awake. I guess they're just so excited that I have my eyes open and that I'm cooing at them that they forget to take pictures!

I feel much better now that I finally had a BM last night. It had been nearly a week. I was getting kind of fussy. But Mommy finally talked to Dr. Rubin and they gave me a suppository to get things moving again.

I am awake more know during the day and I smile and coo at everyone. I even give Mommy a little break and I sleep a little better through the night now. I only have her up twice to eat in the middle of the night. I think that's a pretty good compromise. Don't you?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sick but not down.


I may not be feeling well (I have tonsillitis and an earache), but I'm not down. I started running a fever Sunday night (102.6) and it scared Mommy and Daddy. I didn't see the doctor until Monday afternoon though. He looked in my throat and earas and told Daddy what I have. Now I have to take an antibotic every day. Needless to say, I didn't go to daycare this week, not that I'm complaining or anything. Granny has watched me and Lilly. Lilly is doing well. She's still sleeping most of the day and keeping Mommy up at night.

I dropped a can on my toe the other night so now Daddy has removed all the fun stuff from the cabinets. I can still crawl in them though and hang out!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Squishy & Jaybird

We made another trip to Morgantown to visit Grandpa and Grandpa. Mommy and Daddy left us with them for the day so they could go to Mountaineer Field to watch the WVU game on Saturday. I don't understand why they would want to sit through the cold and rain to watch a football game. Regardless, I had a great time hanging out with the grandparents (who let me get away with a lot more!) and chasing after "meow! (Penelope)" I got away from Grandpa Friday night and ran around the house for a bit naked as a jaybird.
I had a major development since I last posted. I went to the potty for the first time Wednesday night. Mommy and Daddy were so proud. I haven't gone again though. I'm still learning. I also had my first day of daycare on Thursday. I had a good time playing with my new friends at first, but then I missed Mommy and wanted to go home. I think Daddy was just as upset about me being away from home as I was!
Mommy goes back to work tomorrow and we're very upset about that. Lilly doesn't know how different it's going to be. Granny will take care of her, though, like she did me and I'll go to daycare for a few hours. Mommy said it will be good for me to meet new friends, but I'm not sure about this.
Ever since Dr. Rubin diagnosed me as having reflux I've had to take more medicine. I now take medicine four times a day that's supposed to help with my reflux. That's on top of the Mylicon I have to take before Mommy will feed me. It's helping some, but there are still occasions (mostly at night) when I spit up quite a bit. I overheard Mommy say she starts work tomorrow and she's hoping that I'll sleep better through the night. I'm going to do my best to help her out, but it's tough when you're so little and your stomach is upset! Despite my reflux, Mommy says I'm filling out pretty well. You can tell from the picture with Grandma holding me that I'm getting squishy cheeks!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Grandparents are great!

1.... 2...3... I'm counting the number of pictures we're showing you today -- of our grandparents. We spent the last four days with all of our grandparnets. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of Granny, but we hung out with her too! I impressed family by counting up to 5 this week and dancing and singing for them. Granny let me play in her pantry and Pawpaw wrestled with me. Grandpa Bott and I played with the "meow" (their cat named Penelope). They still won't let me play with her food though. I did manage to sneak and get meow's water bowl and dumped it all over myself! It sure was cold. We surprised Grandma & Grandpa Bott by dropping in on them Sunday. Daddy had to go to Morgantown to cover a WVU basketball game. It was a short but nice visit.
All I know is we spent a lot of time in the car this weekend. We drove to Granny and Pawpaw's so Daddy and Mommy could watch a football game. Something about a big game for WVU. I don't understand it all yet. I hung out with Granny most of the nights so Mommy could sleep. Of course, I was good for Granny! :-) The next thing I know they are dressing me up and lights keep going off around me. I sure didn't like that and I let them know about it! Because neither Belle or I cooperated very well we had to try again on Saturday. This time I decided to be a little more cooperative and I think Pawpaw said he got some good photographs. Sunday we traveled yet again and this time I hung out with Grandma Bott and Mamaw. It sure was a busy weekend. Then today I had to go to see Dr. Rubin because Mommy insists there is something wrong with me. Despite my spells of spitting up, I've managed to gain a pound in the last two weeks. He said the grumbling in my stomach is from colic and there isn't really much to do about it. I have to have an upper GI done tomorrow morning to see if I have reflux, although Dr. Rubin doesn't believe it's severe enough to warrant medicine. We go back to Dr. Rubin this afternoon so Mommy, Daddy and Belle can all get a shot for flu season.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

One month and counting

I'm one month old now and life is becoming more interesting. I notice people's faces now and easily recognize Mommy and Daddy.Although I'm alert more during daylight hours, I'm still not sleeping very well through the night. So occasionally Daddy and I will catch a catnap together. When Daddy comes home I hang out with him more. I think Mommy offers to hang with Belle to get a break from all the crying!
Mommy and Daddy are so focused on Lilly right now that I can get away with a lot more! For instance, this morning, Mommy was so busy trying to get Lilly calmed down that I was able to crawl into the cabinet and and dig out the soy sauce and oil. I found out they don't stack like the cans of soup, though. Well, I guess this baby isn't going anyway. She's been here a month now and I've resigned myself to the fact she isn't leaving. So now I help Mommy take care of her and I will even give her the occasional kiss or two.