Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Poppa and new roomies

It's been a busy week. We spent five days in Morgantown visiting with family. Aunt Salah (read Sara) had a really bad headache so we had to go visit her in the hospital. But we also got to visit with other family -- like cousins Jenny and MoMo; Aunts Barb and Janie; G. Grandpa Bott, Mamaw, Grandpa and Grandma. We even went to Aunt DeeDee's house for a couple hours on two days. It was fun. She had a whole bunch of people and Little pet Shop toys to play with. We also made a craft -- a snowman.
Then we also met some new relatives, like Uncle Bill and cousin Lydia, who visited with Aunt Doris from Ohio. It was a busy week.
So we're happy to be home and trying to get back to our schedule. We were excited to return to school on Tuesday. But we're having trouble getting to sleep at night. So Mommy isn't getting much rest either. But because we slept in a bed together at Grandpa and Grandma's house, Mommy and Daddy moved Lilly into my room. So now we're sharing a room. It just means we have more trouble going to bed at night! Crazy Mommy and Daddy. What were they thinking?
We're still praying for God to heal Aunt Sara and hope you are too!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Bones About It

Today, I visited Dr. Legg. He's a bone doctor. I told him that I jumped off a bridge and fell down and broke my arm! Mommy frowned and told him it was a bridge on the playground set at Coonskin.

He took my bandage off and I thought I was going to have my arm free again. Boy was I wrong. Now I'm in a hard bandage -- all the way past my elbow. I chose green for the color. I did have a hard time deciding though. I told Mommy, I think I'll change my mind and get blue. I think I'll change my mind and get yellow. Maybe I'll have blue and green. Mommy told me I had to pick only one and stick with it. I told her I'd stick with green.

So now my arm is a green mummy arm! he,he

Dr. Legg gave me lots of bad news. He told me no gymnastics, no running, no climbing. In fact, he told Mommy my feet have to stay on the ground! Can you believe that? And, I have to wear this thing for 4 weeks! Mommy says that's a really long time. Then he'll look at my arm and see how it's healing. I'll have to have another picture taken of it. Then I have to wear another cast for 4 more weeks! Geesh. Mommy said maybe next time I can choose blue, though.
All, I know is it's going to be a long spring!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Freaky Friday, Freaky February

So I'm really going off on my ranting now... February is ABSOLUTELY the worst month in our lives. The girls always seem to have accidents, illnesses, and there is usually other drama during this month.

Don't believe me?

Last February, we discovered Lilly's heart murmur; Belle broke her right wrist and they had colds.

in Feburary 2007, Lilly was highly sick (with another virus) when she was supposed to go for her well-baby visit and I'm pretty sure that's when Belle had to have her second round of testing for her kidney reflux.

This February: pink eye, stys, colds and now a broken arm! Yes, that's right. A broken arm.

Belle fell from a "bridge" on the playground set at Coonskin yesterday. We took her to Urgent Care last night to have her checked out. She told us her should hurt. So the doctor checked her shoulder. It was fine. We went home, agreeing X-rays were NOT necessary.

She slept fitfully (we gave her Motrin last night). Belle woke at 6 a.m. this morning, coming to me crying about her arm. This is a girl who loves to sleep in in the morning (like her Mommy) and despite what some belive is not prone to drama when it comes to her injuries.

She continued to not put weight on that arm and so Mommy instincts kicked in. I decided we would return to the MedExpress this morning to have an X-ray and make sure she was okay. She complained more of her wrist hurting this morning.

After two hours and four X-rays, the doc comes to me (same one from last night) and says "You have one tough kid there. You're never going to believe it when you see this X-ray."

She had broken both of the bones in her left forearm. They aren't hairline fractures. They are breaks! She has a temporary cast until the swelling goes down. She'll get a full cast when we see the orthopedic doctor (probably on Monday).

If you pray... say some for good health for our family!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"That's prediculous!"
Yes that word came out of my nearly 4-year-old daughter's mouth! Of course, she meant ridiculous, which comes out of Mommy's mouth quite a bit. It's pretty darn close.
This she says to me today as we're driving by the Clay Center (museum -- or place where the dinosaurs are, as she lovingly refers to it) and asks if we can go there today. When I explain we can't because she has school and I have to work. She then asks why I have to work. I say to earn money. She asks, "For our car?"
"Yes that, and our house, our clothes, our food..." and then we have her response: "That's prediculous!" Future socialist on our hands? Daddy fears not I'm sure!
What is ridiculous is the amount of "small things" that we've had in our lives lately. The girls both caught the respiratory illness going around, then gave it me, then they contracted pink eye. Or at least Belle did. Hers cleared up quite quickly with drops (that we had to pay $60 for).
Lilly, however, is suffering from what we believe is chalazin (sp?) -- stys on the inside of the eyelid. We visit the eye doc tomorrow. I fear a surgery is in her future, like the one Belle had two years ago.
Course, the school is concerned that she has what appears to be a black eye and tells the sitter today to mention it to her Mommy. So don't be surprised when my next post is written after CPS comes calling!
The girls have certainly been a handful, but they've also been quite a treat! Very amusing.
Belle says to her Aunt Sara on Saturday (during our Motown visit), "Sara, you're not being sensible." Where she learns this stuff, I have no idea.
Ooh yeah, and the other "small thing" to hit the family this week: Belle had her first major dental visit. Unfortunately she's inherited the bad English teeth (from the Botts) as well. She had her first filling today. Daddy says she did very well. She was such a big girl. No crying. They did give her laughing gas for the procedure, which she thought was very cool. And she was apparently an amusing stoned 3-and-1/2-year-old. She held a ball and said she just loved it while gazing at it lovingly. She then walked into the waiting room and announced to the other patients that she was a big girl!
Quite a week in the lives of the Becker Sisters -- and it's only Tuesday!