Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Learning to read (sort of)

I have a new favorite book, "Snug House, Bug House." I help Mommy read it, as you can see in the video.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fun at FestivALL


Today, downtown Charleston turned into a work of art. Mommy and Daddy took us downtown to watch clowns and belly dancers. I jumped briefly on an inflatable obstacle course. I held onto my orange balloon for about 30 seconds before it floated away in the air, much to my dismay. It sure was fun. We enjoyed listening to a local band at Davis Park and I even danced some before I realized Daddy was filming me. We were in awe of the really tall man walking around. He was pretty funny.
To learn more about FestivALL ( and see an interactive map that Mommy's friend, M.K., designed) visit

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Becoming friends

Lilly and I are quickly becoming friends. We laugh together. Sometimes I share toys with her. We swim together in our new swimming pool that Aunt KaKa gave us. And occasionally, I'll keep her company while she plays in her playpen. She sometimes gets upset that she's cooped up in the playpen and I can run around. I overheard Daddy telling her it was time to get mobile. It sure will be fun when we can chase each other around the house. For now, Granny helps Lilly chase after me.
I had a break-through with Mommy and Daddy yesterday at dinner. They finally are starting to understand that I'm trying to communicate with them when I babble -- that I'm not just trying to overpower Belle's screams. Mommy realized I was signing "please" at dinner the other night -- trying to get Daddy to give me some more puffs. I kept signing and was rewarded each time with a delicious puff. I said delicious, because that's what Belle says when food is good. She says, "This pizza is delicious," or "This grape is delicious."
It's been so hot lately. We sure had fun playing in our new swimming pool. It's like a mini-water amusement park -- right in our back yard.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hot days!

It's been so hot lately that Mommy and Daddy took us swimming on Friday. We visited the Wave Pool in Hurricane. It was so exciting to see this big area of water! I could hardly contain myself. I just jumped right in and headed full force into the water. Mommy tried to explain to me that the water gets deeper and would go over my head, but I didn't care. Water went into my mouth a few times, but it only distracted me shortly. Daddy stayed with me in the deep end for a while, while Mommy played with Lilly near the shallow end. I was not a happy camper when we had to leave because the pool was closing.

On Sunday, Mommy and Daddy tried to take us on a walk along the Boulevard, which one half is closed on Sundays for families to walk, ride bikes, etc. As soon as I saw the river, I was excited. I thought we were going swimming. I tried to head straight over the hill to the water, but Mommy wouldn't let me. So we came home and played in our water tower and Elmo sprinkler instead.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our new swing set!

It took Grandpa, Daddy, Aunt Sara, Grandma and Pawpaw all helping (but mostly Grandpa and Daddy) and two days to assemble but we finally have a new swing set. (and of course, I had to get in the mix and help Grandpa too).) Mommy wasn't sure about getting a swing set for big kids, but I showed her I'm old enough to handle this fun toy. I easily climbed the rock wall and flew down the slide. Whee! It's so much fun. Aunt Sara pushed me on the glider. Tomorrow, we're adding a swing for Lilly. She had fun watching me play on it today!

That's some good chin

When I get around Mommy, I just can't resist. I love the taste of her chin. We had a busy weekend around here. Lots of folks visiting us.... Belle had a party. I got a present from Aunt KaKa too, though. We each got a stuffed kitty. Grandma says those are the best pets because they're easy to take care of. In Belle's entry you can learn more about our weekend and her(our) new toy.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's Nemo('s cousin)

I turned 2 today. To celebrate my special day, Mommy and Daddy gave me a special friend -- Nemo. It's not exactly Nemo, but he is orange and white. I was so excited to see my new fish friend that I squealed and shook with joy! He has a special glass home and lives on the mantle in the living room now. I tried to play with him, but Mommy kept telling me, "don't touch." She said I could hurt him if I tried to grab him. So once a day I'll get to help feed him.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I'm 2!

I turn two today. Mommy said she's can't believe how big I'm getting. Each day is a new adventure. Today, we went to Granny's house to hang out. I realized it shortly after we reached Institute and started asking for Granny. And then Mommy told me we were going to see Granny. So I replied, "Okay, we'll go see Granny." Later, I told Granny I didn't like pears. Besides my conversation skills, here are some other skills I'm working on. (Note from Mommy: Belle knows the "northern version" of Pattycake that ends with "roll it, pat it, mark it with a B for Belle and me."

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Growing up


I'm not too fond of this getting older stufff. I mean Mommy and Daddy seem to really be pushing for me to "grow up." I had an accident in the bumbo chair so now I have to sit in the high chair. I really don't like it and I let them know about it. One thing I do like about growing up and getting bigger -- I finally get to turn my seat around in the car too. Now I can see all the things that Belle sees when we travel in the car. I was happy as a jaybird on the way home from Granny and Pawpaw's Saturday.


Lilly and I are both growing up -- too fast Mommy says. I'll turn 2 on Thursday. They keep telling me I'm going to have a birthday party. I'm not sure what that means but we're working on saying "Happy Birthday" and "I'm two." One other task Mommy and Daddy are trying to train me in is going to the potty. They say I understand just fine how it works I just need to go. I know you go "pee-pee and poo-poo" or "wee-wee and woo-woo" on the potty. I'll even sit and read a book on the potty, but I just don't feel like using the potty yet.

One area that Lilly and I are both struggling is in sharing toys. She wants to play with all of my toys now. And I don't like her to play with them. I often get in trouble for taking them away. Yesterday, though, we did share a bit and colored in my new Dora coloring book together.