Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Holiday bustle

Whew! What a weekend. First we went to Granny's and Pawpaw's to visit the Beckners. Then we drove through snow and wind, over the river and through the winds to Grandma and Granpa's house (the Botts.) Of course, everyone was excited to see me for Thanksgiving. The saving grace over the five day bustle was the DVD "The Best of the Muppet Show" featuring Harry Belafonte.
I've had trouble adjusting to my regular routine though. I woke up again at 3 a.m. It's funny because Mommy is easily fooled into thinking it's time to get up and feed me. She made Daddy come get me and bring me to their bed this morning before she realized it was only 3:22 a.m. I quickly fell back to sleep and she took me back to my bed at 4 a.m. I then woke at 6:22 a.m. Busy night.
I keep hearing the folks talking about Christmas and putting out decorations. Apparently we're putting up our Christmas tree this evening. Speaking of trees, I continued the tradition of cutting down a fresh tree at Kings Tree Farm with Grandpa and Grandma Bott. I had a blast and thought the trees were funny.
I'm trying really hard to say something. Mommy keeps trying to get me to say hello and everyone wants me to say Ma, Ma. I nearly have the hang of sitting up on my own and can scoot about one time on my knees.
I'm getting so big that many of my 6-9 months clothes are tight on me. Mommy said she is eager to see how long I am when I return to see Dr. Skaff on Dec. 15.
From looking at the calendar, it appears the holiday bustle will continue through the New Year. Daddy won't be around much. Those dang Mountaineers! Why do they have to be so good? We're not sure where we'll be spending Christmas or New Years. But we know we will try to get around to see everyone and our thoughts and love will be with all our beloved family. Love, Belle

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Getting mobile

Hello everyone. I know it's been awhile since I've written, but we've had a busy week. First Mommy left us for three days and I stayed with Granny and Pawpaw. Mommy said she missed me and I was sure happy to see her when she got home Friday night. Then we got up early Saturday morning and started moving. I saw a lot of people coming in and out of our house. I heard Mommy say she was happy we had such nice friends and family willing to help us. Mommy and Daddy sure are tired after moving and unpacking our stuff again. But I didn't cut them any breaks. I woke up at 3:30 Monday morning and wouldn't go back to sleep until they brought me into bed with them. It was my first night in the new home and it was a little strange to me. Yesterday, I showed Mommy and Daddy how mobile I am. First, Daddy left me in the bouncy chair to hang out and I almost slid right out. Daddy caught me though. Then Mommy laid me on the rug with my jungle dangling toy so she could finish unpacking the kitchen. I was squirming and moving and when Mommy came back I was using the leg of the coffee table to try to lift myself up. They don't get it. I want to sit up and move on my own. I'm getting there. Well, two days until my first Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I still don't have any teeth, so I won't be eating any turkey. Speaking of eating, I gulped down an entire jar of carrots yesterday and I love to watch the folks make the sign for eat when they feed me. This is getting long. So I'll talk to you more tomorrow. Love, Belle

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sign Language

We attended a class at CAMC last night to learn how to use sign language. Mommy started signing milk to me when she feeds me. The teacher said not to confuse me with too many signs yet. So we're just going to do three to start: milk, eat and cat (since I have a keen interest in Ally now). Although Ally still doesn't have a keen interest in me. We're still busy packing. Mommy said we'll be in our new home on Saturday. And then celebrate on Sunday. Love, Belle

Monday, November 14, 2005

Missing Mommy!

Mommy has to travel to some place called Harrisburg, Pa., this week. She'll be gone for three days. I sure will miss her. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out with Daddy and Granny. I'll be sure to give Mommy lots of hugs (like I'm doing in the photo). I like to hug by grabbing someone's face with both hands and then also give kisses (a wet affair indeed!) We're looking forward to moving into our new home this weekend. And then next week we go to Morgantown to watch the Mountaineers beat up on Pitt! Yeah, 'Eers. Course, before then we will be at church and I will get dedicated. We hope you plan to join us. Love, Belle

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hello. We had a busy night. We watched some of the WVU game from Smokey Bones. Fortunately, the 'Eers won. Then we got home and Mommy got me cleaned up and ready for bed -- including giving me my bottle early again. I only slept until 6:15 this morning though. I'm growing so much. Guess it's all those veggies. I doubt I'd fit in Grandma's sink anymore to get a bath. Mommy said we will move into our new home next weekend. Daddy will sign all the papers on Friday, Nov. 18th. Yeah. More room, but it will also be a busy weekend with the dedication and all. Talk to you later.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Better sleeping

Wow! What a great night of sleep. Mommy & Daddy said they learned a new trick. I got my bath, got into my Pjs and ate my bottle at 9:30 last night -- and I slept through the night. I woke up at 7:25 this morning. So Mommy said they're going to start feeding me earlier in the night and seeing if that will hold me over. It's so nice outside today that Mommy said we may go for a walk around the neighborhood later. The picture is from Daddy walking me a few weeks ago.

We're still hoping to move into our new house next weekend. It's going to be a hectic weekend with the move and the dedication, but Mommy said it's the only time we have to move. That's all for now. Talk to you later.

Monday, November 07, 2005

5 months today!

Good morning. I'm five months old today! We're not really celebrating though. Everyone says they can't believe how fast I'm growing, but that's what I'm supposed to do.

Daddy and I had a great time hanging out yesterday. He kept doing silly things to make me shrill. I like to scream real loud and watch the folks react.

Mommy and I cuddled a lot last night. She kept trying to put me to bed for a nap, but I just wanted her to rock me.
I woke early this morning -- around 6. So everyone got an early start to their day. We look forward to seeing you all at the dedication in a couple of weeks.

Talk to you later.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Up All Night

Hello. (yawn). I'm pretty tired today because I kept Mommy & Daddy up all night. (yawn). We stayed at Granny and Pawpaw's house because the folks had a date. They went to see some movie called Murderball? Anyway, I wasn't happy about not being in my own bed last night (yawn.) I'm sure Ally missed us too. Yes, I recently discovered Ally. She rubbed up against Mommy's legs Thursday night and I grabbed her tail. (yawn). The cat cried but I did it again. Then Daddy picked Ally up and held her in front me. I liked that, got excited and tried to pet Ally's face, but she didn't warm up to me very well. Mommy & Daddy said they truly deserve the free massages they're getting today. We'll talk again soon. (yawn.) I'm off for my nap.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I woke Wednesday with a raspy, hoarse voice. Granny told Mommy that I wasn't acting myself so she called Dr. Skaff's office and we had to rush to the doctor before the closed the office. It turned out that I may have a bug, but more likely it's just the dry air from the furnace that is bothering me. So Mommy had to pull out the cool mist vaporizers for the house. I still didn't feel great though and spit up green veggies all night. I think I upset Mommy when I got it all over her. We did find out that I weigh 17 lbs., 2 oz. now. I've grown almost by two pounds in a month. Greg (the P.A. at Dr. Skaff's office) said I'm not fat though.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Mommy & Daddy recently bundled me up and took me on an afternoon walk to enjoy the fall weather. We walked around Malden, along the river. I have to say that the end of Daylight Savings Time has messed with my schedule. My sleeping and eating patterns were off and made me cranky on Monday. I threw a holy fit for Mommy Monday night so we didn't go trick-or-treating. Course, she didn't know that all these veggies I've been eating had me backed up a bit! Thank goodness that problem was relieved yesterday. Daddy leaves for Morgantown today for the Connecticut game. Mommy and I aren't going because it's too long a drive for one night. Daddy said we hope to be in the new house mid-month. We'll see. Talk to you soon.