Sunday, December 16, 2007

Jingle Bell(e)

I didn't want you to think I didn't know the song for my Christmas recital. It's just that I get shy in front of crowds.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Visit with Santa

What an exciting morning we had. We had breakfast with Santa Claus at my school today. It was sure fun. After a quick breakfast, we waited patiently in line (well as patiently as we could) for our turn to tell Santa what we want for Christmas. Since Lilly only knows a few words, I was more than happy to share with Santa that we would like a Thomas the Train for Christmas. He said he would bring me one if I was good girl and listend to Mommy and Daddy and went to bed on time. Darn! I sure have a hard time following those instructions.

We're still both feeling under the weather. Lilly now has my cold. Poor Lilly. So we're resting today and hoping that we'll recover before Christmas.

We are going to enjoy more Christmas excitement today. Mommy is going to help us make Christmas cookies. I can't wait.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Holiday lights & fun

Belle and I are becoming the best of friends, as you can see from the photo. We like to dance together, eat together, laugh together and even wrestle! Despite some illnesses (colds) running in the family, we're having a great time enjoying the holiday season. Yesterday, Mommy & Daddy took us to a tree lighting at the Capitol. We listened to some bands play and even saw Santa at the Governor's Mansion before we left. Each week, we've enjoyed watching the holiday specials, like the Grinch Whole Stole Christmas or Charlie Brown's Christmas on ABC. Daddy & Mommy even let us stay up late to watch them. We've had a great time looking at Christmas lights and now that the tree is up in our house we can get a close-up look. Belle has broken a few bulbs, though, so Daddy moved all the ornaments to the top of the tree.
Today I had my first look at snow. Belle was more taken with it than I. She gazed at the snow falling on the back deck this morning. Daddy took her outside to play in it some, but she wasn't too keen on that, Daddy said. This weekend we're looking forward to a visit with Santa and breakfast at Belle's school.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tis the Season

It's Christmas! This sure is an exciting time of the year. Mommy & Daddy pull out all kinds of interesting toys to put around the house, like snowglobes, that I just can't wait to get my hands on.

There are also many baby Jesus statues around the house. Mommy keeps scolding me to get down because I want to get close to baby Jesus and the animals she placed on the fireplace mantle.
We celebrated the beginning if the Christmas season tonight by watching Charlie Brown's Christmas and enjoying homemade caramel apples. What a treat.!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holiday fun

We had a nice time visiting our Morgantown relatives over the long weekend. On Saturday, we visited with our second cousins, Kwanita and Kadence at Mamaw Chase's house. We enjoyed hanging with Grandpa and Grandma some more -- watching fun movies like Surf's Up and Shrek 3 -- all while enjoying popcorn.

Mommy gave me (Lilly) her old sunglasses so I could pretend I was a rock star. I think I have a future in entertainment as Grandma and Grandpa got a big kick out of my performance!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A parade, a pumpkin cake & lots of Thomas the Train

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, at least that's what Daddy explained to me today. So I thought I would share some of the things that I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for a grandparents who volunteer to babysit us for a weekend; watch us every day while Mommy & Daddy work and love us to the ends of the Earth. I'm thankful for parents who love me enough to show me right from wrong and teach me about Jesus and how he loves me. I'm thankful for a little sister who I can make laugh and makes me laugh (even if I don't always show it.)

We celebrated this day of thanksgiving with some family traditions. Mommy and me enjoyed watching the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. My favorite part was watching the Sesame Street characters sing and the large balloon of the princess from Sesame Street. After a long nap we drove over the river and through a subdivision to Granny's house for a delicious turkey dinner. After some initial shyness, I eventually visited with my extended family. I was especially grateful that Uncle Richie brought a whole Thomas the Train set and many, many, many engines for me to play with. I spent the next three hours playing trains by myself. I was sad when our day had to come to an end, but Mommy said I was getting too cranky and it was time for bed. So we returned home, ate a small snack and went off to bed. Tomorrow we'll drive over another river to get to Grandma's house for more Thanksgiving fun.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

High Places

We sure don't look forward to bedtime, but Mommy does! After chasing us around all evening (and days on the weekends), she said she's ready for us to hit the sack so she and Daddy can relax. Who can blame them, when I (Lilly) have learned how to climb everything, including the set of stairs in our house. Tonight, I climbed into the rocker in Belle's room and started jumping around.
Of course, all my growing up isn't so bad. I'm learning a lot from my sister. Some good. Some bad. A couple of good things: I've learned we have to pick up our toys when we're finished playing. I also know that we have to brush our teeth before bed. I like my new pink toothbrush and can brush my bottom teeth pretty well. Even with our bedtime routine, sometimes we're so wound up that it takes us awhile to calm down and go to sleep. Mommy tries to read me stories, but I'm not too interested in that. Belle has learned the art of asking for "one more" to delay the inevitable. She's should go to sleep before me since she's usually cranky from not taking a nap. Course, this weekend neither of us had much sleep. I was upset from the immunizations I received on Friday at Dr. Rubin's office. The end of daylight savings time threw us both for a loop Saturday night.
Mommy says I'll be talking before too long, since I'm mimicking everything Belle says. And that's a lot!
Development update for Lilly: She is 32 inches tall (95th percentile); weighs 21 lbs. 12 oz. (50th). So she's still very tall and skinny. And Dr. Rubin says no more bottle!! Boy has that been a rough transition.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

Halloween was quite an event at the Beckner house this year! A weeklong event -- that began with trick-or-treating at Capitol Market on Oct. 25th with Grandpa and ended tonight with trick-or-treating with Pawpaw. After Belle's pumpkin was too heavy for her to carry, she decided she was ready to go home. I'm delighted to report that she did enjoy watching The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown with us tonight! Belle has accumulated enough candy that we can all have candy to eat until Christmas -- maybe longer. The slideshow shows some highlights from today, including Belle's Halloween parade and party at pre-school. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

Fall is my favorite time of the year. Probably because I have so many childhood memories of fun family times -- like carving pumpkins. I get nostalgic in the fall. This leads me to want to recreate my memories with my children. Unforutnately, they're not too keen on creating lasting childhood memories (yet!) No, they definitely like picking out pumpkins and think they're cool. But carve them? Yuck. What's that inside, Mommy, Belle asks. Cook pumpkin seeds to eat later? No thank you, Mommy. Drink hot apple cider while we listen to fun Halloween songs and carve our pumpkin. No, thank you Mommy. Just give me some juice and crackers and I'll run around and play while you do all the work. The extent of Belle's help was to pick out the pattern that we would use to carve our pumpkins. You see the end result. As for the Beckner family memories... I guess we'll have to wait a few more years for the girls to get older.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

First Birthday party

Thank you to everyone who attended my first birthday party. I had such a good time. I appreciate all the gifts I received. You should have seen our house when we got home. It looked like Christmas! At least that's what Mommy said. Belle and I are already fighting over the new toys and have enjoyed a couple of our new DVDs. Thankfully, I received some nice new outfits for the fall since the weather is getting cooler. Most importantly though, I am just happy to have such loving friends and family. Thank you, Lilly.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Our attempt to get Lilly to walk

Goodness this girl is stubborn. She could walk. We just have to figure out what will entice her to take her first steps.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Lilly turns 1!

Can you believe it was a year ago that this little bundle of joy came into our lives? My how the last year has flown. While Lilly is growing leaps and bounds in many ways, she still holds onto those baby ways. We think she'll enjoy being the "baby" of the family for some time.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dance fever

We like to shake our booties. Today, Granny and Pawpaw got down with us!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lilly walking, with some assistance

Mommy & Daddy are determined that I'll walk before my first birthday, but I'm not giving in to them yet! I do walk with some assistance, whether it's from Pawpaw (who helped me get around while we were at the beach) or from my toy car.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Life under the sea

I understand that everyone has wondered what happened to me this. Be assured that I'm here and making my presence known. It's just hard to get any face time in front of the camera when my sister is more mobiel and getting herself into peculiar situations.

It began to rain last night and continued this morning so there was no trip to the beach today. The surf was wicked because of the storm coming through. Apparently there is a tropical storm all the way in Florida that is causing problems here. We're pretty bummed that the weather was bad today and is predicted to be just as terrible tomorrow. So rather than sit around the house (which is wonderful) for two days, Mommy and Daddy decided we would drive to Myrtle Beach after all and visit Ripley's Aquarium. Boy was I happy they decided to visit the aquarium. I've never seen anything like it. It was so exciting to watch all the colorful fish swim around in the tanks. Belle liked the fish, but she was preoccupied with the moving sidewalk that took us through a tunnel. It made you feel like you really were under the sea. We saw sharks and all kinds of fish -- including ones that look like Nemo and Dory! We also were allowed to touch a horseshoe crab. Belle declined -- and not so politely, I might add -- but I was happy to reach out from my stroller and touch the wonderful creature. It was a fun time and we received cool souvenirs from our trip.

I've had a wonderful time at the beach this week. I love the ocean and the sand. We've seen a lot of interesting animals. The only downside is I have some battle wounds to show for it. I have several mosquitoe bites on my legs, forehead and left eye from our visit to the nearby gardens. It's been such a great week. We've enjoyed playing with Granny & Pawpaw and we'll be sad to leave for home on Saturday. I'm definitely not looking forward to that long car ride home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Shopping & friends

Today we visited a nearby shopping plaza, where they make Pawley's Island Hammocks. It's similar to Nags Head Hammocks, but Mommy says she still fonder of Nages Head Hammocks. We did a little bit of shopping (as much as I could tolerate) until we found a playground in the middle of the shopping area. I was finally happy that I was able to burn off some energy and meet some new friends. I made a boyfriend while we played in the magical castle together. He wasn't playing like I wanted so I had to "direct" him a bit. But he was so nice that I gave him a hug and told him I loved him.
I have a lot of new friends this week. I have a whole herd of horses now. We didn't bring a lot of toys to play with inside so Granny got me some new friends to hang out with this week, "pokies" (read: ponies). I like my ponies. We also have a friend at our beach house, a real lizard. Pawpaw is trying to catch him so I can take him home with me!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Brookgreen Gardens

It's so nice to wake up, walk downstairs and see the ocean out your living room window. I enjoyed eating my yogurt and grapenuts this morning in the high chair while I watched the waves crash on the shore. It was so invigorating, that I was deeply upset when Mommy and Daddy wouldn't immediately take me to the ocean. Instead, we visited this place called Brookgreen Gardens. It's pretty cool. They have a natural habitat zoo. We saw cows, horses, chickens, otters, alligators, foxes and lots and lots of birds (like the one in the picture above.) We had a nice lunch and then we walked through pretty gardens with lots of cool statues. I enjoyed talking to the lions. I also tried to jump into the many water fountains throughout the gardens, but Mommy and Granny wouldn't let me because they said it was full of goose poop! It was a pretty neat place. The cool thing is you pay once and then you can go back to the park all week.
After very, very short naps this afternoon, Daddy and Pawpaw took us to the beach while Granny and Mommy shopped. Once again, I didn't care for the sand. Lilly, however, became so hungry that she started to eat it! It's been a pretty fun day, and I only suffered three meltdowns today!
We've added a link (on the links section) to Brookgreen Gardens so you can see more of it for yourself. Enjoy!
-- Belle

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sleep deprived, but having fun

Well, as always when we travel, the second day is the worst. We're so excited when we arrive that we just can't take a minute to sleep. Therefore, the second day of our trip (whenver we go anywhere), we're usually a bit grouchy. I must say Belle has been extremely grouchy today. I, on the other hand, am pretty pleasant, regardless of how much sleep I get. I'm sure you can guess that when given the option between taking a nap or continuing an activity -- say going swimming in the ocean -- Belle never chooses a nap!

So needless to say, Belle was quite the grouch today. I slept for a couple of hours while Daddy played with Belle in the ocean. I heard that once again Belle did not like the sand and would not walk in it until she got near the water. I was fine not going to the beach this morning, Mommy said the water was nice and warm but the air was cool and so it wasn't very comfortable. And then when it came time for an afternoon nap, Belle wouldn't sleep again. so we went for a ride in the car, which is the only time we got some rest. There sure is a lot to do here at Pawley's Island. We toured the island a bit and picked up some bait to go fishing. There is a pier near our house, so Daddy and Mommy were going to take us fishing. However, we discovered -- much to our dismay -- that the pier is privately owned and only the people staying in nearby condos can use it!

I didn't make it down to the beach today, because Belle was ban from the beach as punishment for her bad behavior. So we hung around the house, which is fine with me. I was able to explore the stairs -- four actually -- until Mommy discovered me. Then every time I tried to escape to the stairs again, Mommy was right on my tail. She just wouldn't let me be.

Well, tomorrow we'll have new adventures and one of us will write to tell you all about it.

With love, Lilly
P.S. By the way, we've added a link to the blog for Pawley's Island. There is a webcam on a house just up the beach. You may catch us on it one day. At the very least, you can see the weather down here as you listen to the waves.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wipe out on Pawley's Island

Hello from Pawley's Island, S.C.!

We're on our first vacation with Granny and Pawpaw. What a trip. It took a long time to get here. After our 8th hour and no naps, we were ready to get out of the car. I (Belle) was so excited to see Granny and Pawpaw and our home for the week. There are three floors for me to run wild. I have my own room with bunk beds. I'm a big girl so I'm sleeping on the bottom bunk. For weeks, all Daddy has talked about is the ocean and finally today I got to see the ocean. Even though I visited the ocean with Grandma and Grandpa Bott last year, I didn't really remember the sand. I didn't like the feel of it at first and told Mommy "eewww!" But I quickly got over that and ran into the ocean. Daddy took me out pretty far into the ocean. I loved it and even though I feel on my face, it wasn't enough to keep me from enjoying the water.

Lilly enjoyed the water too. As you can see from the video, she had her first spill too! Mommy thought she was back enough from the water that the little waves wouldn't hurt Lilly, but one was too much for her and sent her toppling. We sure had a good time at the beach. I didn't want to leave, but Daddy said we'd go out early again tomorrow.

Now that Mommy and Daddy have a new camera & Pawpaw brought his laptop to the beach with us, we'll try to update everyone each day on our vacation. We're going to visit a botanical garden this week and maybe even the aquarium. Mommy said we'd have to see because it's still an hour drive to the aquarium and she isn't too eager to get back into the car with us.



Thursday, September 06, 2007

Big girls

Well, since everyone has been begging Mommy for some news.... we thought we'd better get on Blogger and write to everyone.

We've had our first hotel stay during Labor Day weekend. Let's just say Belle and I didn't care for it and so Mommy and Daddy paid a hefty price. In the end, we won. We came home early and got to sleep in our own beds. Although, we had plenty of rest on Sunday, Belle is still a bit cranky and tired this week. Geesh, she can be a grouch! Daddy turned her crib into a big girl bed, which I think is cool too. I just need another inch or two and I'll be able to climb into Belle's bed too! It sure looks cool without bars all around you. Course, I think Mommy and Daddy would prefer to have the bars, as I hear them talk about how Belle is up several times a night and wonders into their bedroom.

So Mommy and Daddy are really pushing Belle on this "big girl" thing. First the bed and then the potty. Several times a day she has to sit on this thing called a potty. I guess, I wouldn't mind it either if I was getting candy and presents for it! Belle also got a "big girl" haircut on Monday. Mommy said she bribed her with candy during the haircut. Afterward, Mommy took her to the toy store, where she bought Belle a train called Henry from the Thomas the Train set. I sure like that train too, but Belle is pretty stingy with it.

Belle was supposed to start pre-school on Wednesday, but because it's been a week full of changes, Mommy said she could start on Monday. They're hoping for the best that she'll actually enjoy school and like her teacher. From what I heard, their first meeting didn't go well at orientation.

As for me, I'm busy learning how to walk. I still haven't mastered standing on my own, but I'm getting there. With the help of a toy car that you push (that apparently Aunt Sara bought for Belle) I'm able to walk across the living room floor. I can still scoot pretty fast on my hands and knees too.

Sorry, we don't have photos or video of me walking or Belle's new haircut for you to see. Mommy and Daddy's camera broke. They are shipping it off to be repaired so hopefully we'll have photos again soon. In the meantime, here's a picture of Belle playing in her classroom with her new teacher.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Schoolhouse Rocks!

It's been so hot lately that I've been spending a lot of time indoors. Needless to say, I'm feeling a little cooped up. I've been itching to get out so much that today I asked if we could go see Elmo! Daddy laughed at me. So I asked if we could go to church. Of course, we missed church this morning because Lilly and me are sick. Actually Mommy is too. We're pretty sure we got a disease (virus) from the swimming pool last week. It's called hand,foot and mouth disease. We all have snotty noses, sore throats and blisters in our mouth. And we're tired! So we've been hanging out all weekend. One thing I like to do when I hang out is watch videos. One of my favorites is Conjunction Junction, Junction, Junction on Schoolhouse Rocks! I also like Lolly, Lolly Lolly's. It's fun to sing along too. Mommy says I should enjoy my time at home because before too long I start pre-school. Two mornings a week, I'll be attending Growing Place at Christ Church on Quarrier Street. It's a lot of change so Daddy is taking me to orientation this week so I can see my classroom and meet my teacher.

Belle well-visit update: She weighs 30 lbs. 2 oz. and is 37 1/2 inches tall.

Boy, being sick is for the birds. I can't breath out of my nose, which makes it difficult to eat, sleep, or well, do anything. It's been a rough couple of days with this virus. Daddy has been nice enough to keep me company at night when I can't sleep and I'm just out of sorts.
I'm still having fun playing with Belle, though. Yesterday, we were playing in her room with our Noah the Arc animals and she pulled out her Playschool doctor's set. So I decided I wanted to play with that too. But she didn't want me to play with it so she took all the instruments and ran to the other side of the room. Now that I've mastered crawling on my knees I was on her like a fly on honey in no time. She seems to get annoyed with me a lot and sometimes she tells me to "Go in the other room." But Mommy tells her to be nice and share so I got to play doctor afterall.

Lilly well-visit update: 19 lbs. 2 oz. 29 1/2 inches long. Still only two bottom teeth.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Standing strong

It's nothing for me to pull myself up to a standing position now. I can scoot/crawl along the floor at a pretty quick speed when I have a purpose and destination, like trying to catch Mommy as she heads out the door in the mornings. It won't be long before I'm able to stand without holding on to furniture and then walking and keeping up with Belle (my ultimate goal.) Belle and I are having such a good time these days. I love to laugh at her and watch movies. I especially like to flap my arms to the music. Sometimes, though, Belle still gets annoyed with me and tells me no or "Go in the other room." It's nice when she bursts into my room in the mornings to greet me or when she hands me puffs at dinner because Daddy doesn't get them to me fast enough. We're playing together pretty well. We have the occasional fight over a favorite toy or book and sometimes it ends badly (like pages ripped out of books). For the most part, though, Belle and I are becoming best friends.

Hot days

Boy has it been hot outside! It's frustrating for me because Granny, Daddy and Mommy won't let me go outside to play. I keep hearing them talk about a heat index and say it's dangerous. All I know is it's sunny and there are things to do outside. Mommy took us on walks in the evenings early in the week, but even then it was pretty warm outside. We had to drink a lot of water when we came inside. I'm pretty frustrated just hanging out inside all day, every day. So to change things up a bit, Mommy took us to Granny's on Thursday to play there. We spent a good bit of time at Granny & Pawpaw's last weekend since Granddaddy was in from Florida for a visit. When we visit Granny and Pawpaw, I like to play in the windowsill.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Mice, bats and bears, oh my!


We just returned from a week-long vacation with Grandma & Grandpa Bott and Aunt Sara. We had a wonderful time at Watoga State Park. I enjoyed the many animals we saw -- some more closely than Mommy would have liked. A field mouse visited our kitchen in the rustic cabin every night; a small black bear walked behind our cabin one afternoon and Grandma discovered a bat flying around in the living room one night during the end of our week. (She had to sleep with the light on so it would buzz around all night!) We had many great adventures including swimming in Watoga's chilly pool. I didn't mind after a while. I enjoyed swimming with my new life vest that Grandpa bought for me. I had a great time getting wet all week -- including playing in the river at Cass Scenic Railroad. With Mommy's help, I also caught six fish on our last night in the park. We fished for bluegills on the backside of the lake, which was very near our cabin. On the way back to the cabin (we decided to leave early since we had already embarassed Grandpa, Aunt Sara and Daddy with our fine fishing skills!), we saw three deer! We had a such a great time that I've been telling everyone about all the animals since we returned!


Whew! What an exhausting week. I didn't sleep very well, which is to say that no one slept very well last week -- since we were, afterall, staying in tight quarters. Belle sure did enjoy running around in the woods all week! She loved playing with the rocks and sticks and looking at all the animals. I, however, was less than impressed with the woods or with fishing. I didn't enjoy fishing at the lake on the first night so Grandma stayed home with me the second time everyone went fishing. What I did enjoy this week was riding on Daddy's back in this great new toy. I got so slap Daddy's head and had a great view of everyone. After the inital shock of the cold water in the pool, I also enjoyed swimming. The exciting news for me this week was I pulled myself up for the first time -- while playing in the living room of our cabin. Now I try every chance I get!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Sisterly love

Belle and I have been playing a lot more. She calls me her "little baby sister" now. While we're getting along pretty well, Belle isn't always very nice. She still doesn't share very well. Sometimes, when I'm playing with Elmo she comes up and takes him from me. All in all, though, we're becoming pretty good friends.
I'm learning more each day. Although I haven't mastered crawling, I am trying to pull myself up to a standing position. I just want to be able to keep up with Belle and play with all the cool stuff that she has. Mommy said we didn't have a box for me to play in (like Belle did when she was a baby) so we compromised and I got to hang out in the laundry basket. Daddy even pushed me around in it for a bit.
I'm getting so big and learning so much -- like learning to stand up -- that Daddy had to lower my crib to the lowest setting. Since they did that, I was able to reach the cord to the air conditioner, so Daddy had to move my bed. Then Mommy decided to take the bumper out too. It was all too much change for me. I was not happy with it and I let them know by crying for three hours Saturday night. Between me being upset and Belle having her issues, Daddy and Mommy only slept for a few hours Saturday. So Mommy decided to give me my bumper back and all is right with the world again!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Learning to read (sort of)

I have a new favorite book, "Snug House, Bug House." I help Mommy read it, as you can see in the video.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fun at FestivALL


Today, downtown Charleston turned into a work of art. Mommy and Daddy took us downtown to watch clowns and belly dancers. I jumped briefly on an inflatable obstacle course. I held onto my orange balloon for about 30 seconds before it floated away in the air, much to my dismay. It sure was fun. We enjoyed listening to a local band at Davis Park and I even danced some before I realized Daddy was filming me. We were in awe of the really tall man walking around. He was pretty funny.
To learn more about FestivALL ( and see an interactive map that Mommy's friend, M.K., designed) visit

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Becoming friends

Lilly and I are quickly becoming friends. We laugh together. Sometimes I share toys with her. We swim together in our new swimming pool that Aunt KaKa gave us. And occasionally, I'll keep her company while she plays in her playpen. She sometimes gets upset that she's cooped up in the playpen and I can run around. I overheard Daddy telling her it was time to get mobile. It sure will be fun when we can chase each other around the house. For now, Granny helps Lilly chase after me.
I had a break-through with Mommy and Daddy yesterday at dinner. They finally are starting to understand that I'm trying to communicate with them when I babble -- that I'm not just trying to overpower Belle's screams. Mommy realized I was signing "please" at dinner the other night -- trying to get Daddy to give me some more puffs. I kept signing and was rewarded each time with a delicious puff. I said delicious, because that's what Belle says when food is good. She says, "This pizza is delicious," or "This grape is delicious."
It's been so hot lately. We sure had fun playing in our new swimming pool. It's like a mini-water amusement park -- right in our back yard.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hot days!

It's been so hot lately that Mommy and Daddy took us swimming on Friday. We visited the Wave Pool in Hurricane. It was so exciting to see this big area of water! I could hardly contain myself. I just jumped right in and headed full force into the water. Mommy tried to explain to me that the water gets deeper and would go over my head, but I didn't care. Water went into my mouth a few times, but it only distracted me shortly. Daddy stayed with me in the deep end for a while, while Mommy played with Lilly near the shallow end. I was not a happy camper when we had to leave because the pool was closing.

On Sunday, Mommy and Daddy tried to take us on a walk along the Boulevard, which one half is closed on Sundays for families to walk, ride bikes, etc. As soon as I saw the river, I was excited. I thought we were going swimming. I tried to head straight over the hill to the water, but Mommy wouldn't let me. So we came home and played in our water tower and Elmo sprinkler instead.