Monday, September 17, 2007

Brookgreen Gardens

It's so nice to wake up, walk downstairs and see the ocean out your living room window. I enjoyed eating my yogurt and grapenuts this morning in the high chair while I watched the waves crash on the shore. It was so invigorating, that I was deeply upset when Mommy and Daddy wouldn't immediately take me to the ocean. Instead, we visited this place called Brookgreen Gardens. It's pretty cool. They have a natural habitat zoo. We saw cows, horses, chickens, otters, alligators, foxes and lots and lots of birds (like the one in the picture above.) We had a nice lunch and then we walked through pretty gardens with lots of cool statues. I enjoyed talking to the lions. I also tried to jump into the many water fountains throughout the gardens, but Mommy and Granny wouldn't let me because they said it was full of goose poop! It was a pretty neat place. The cool thing is you pay once and then you can go back to the park all week.
After very, very short naps this afternoon, Daddy and Pawpaw took us to the beach while Granny and Mommy shopped. Once again, I didn't care for the sand. Lilly, however, became so hungry that she started to eat it! It's been a pretty fun day, and I only suffered three meltdowns today!
We've added a link (on the links section) to Brookgreen Gardens so you can see more of it for yourself. Enjoy!
-- Belle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Belle you sure look like your getting to be a big girl in those photos. We am glad you are enjoying your vacation it looks like fun.

Grandpa and Grandma

PS Tell Lilly to let mom know a little ruffage won't hurt her.