Sunday, November 12, 2006

Squishy & Jaybird

We made another trip to Morgantown to visit Grandpa and Grandpa. Mommy and Daddy left us with them for the day so they could go to Mountaineer Field to watch the WVU game on Saturday. I don't understand why they would want to sit through the cold and rain to watch a football game. Regardless, I had a great time hanging out with the grandparents (who let me get away with a lot more!) and chasing after "meow! (Penelope)" I got away from Grandpa Friday night and ran around the house for a bit naked as a jaybird.
I had a major development since I last posted. I went to the potty for the first time Wednesday night. Mommy and Daddy were so proud. I haven't gone again though. I'm still learning. I also had my first day of daycare on Thursday. I had a good time playing with my new friends at first, but then I missed Mommy and wanted to go home. I think Daddy was just as upset about me being away from home as I was!
Mommy goes back to work tomorrow and we're very upset about that. Lilly doesn't know how different it's going to be. Granny will take care of her, though, like she did me and I'll go to daycare for a few hours. Mommy said it will be good for me to meet new friends, but I'm not sure about this.
Ever since Dr. Rubin diagnosed me as having reflux I've had to take more medicine. I now take medicine four times a day that's supposed to help with my reflux. That's on top of the Mylicon I have to take before Mommy will feed me. It's helping some, but there are still occasions (mostly at night) when I spit up quite a bit. I overheard Mommy say she starts work tomorrow and she's hoping that I'll sleep better through the night. I'm going to do my best to help her out, but it's tough when you're so little and your stomach is upset! Despite my reflux, Mommy says I'm filling out pretty well. You can tell from the picture with Grandma holding me that I'm getting squishy cheeks!

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