Sunday, August 31, 2008

We're at the beach, beach, beach

After a long tortuous trip, we finally have arrived at the beach, beach, beach! We're happy to be in Nags Head, N.C., and finally out of the car. Our house is pretty cool. We have bunk beds and fish in our room. We have a swimming pool (Jacuzzi) at our house. We can see the ocean from our porch and hear the waves. We played in the sand a little when we arrived. Today, we're going to stay at the beach all day. We're so excited to get to the beach that we woke up at 6 a.m. today. But Grandma laid down with us and we took a long nap this morning so that everyone else could sleep in some.
Later today we're having cake for Aunt Sara's birthday. She's an old woman now! (30)
(We're also happy that WVU won their first football game of the season. Go Mountaineers!)

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