Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Growth in a year

I've been too busy to post much to the girls blog lately. I hope to do better when work slows down a bit. So today's post is just a little sampling of Belle's artwork from the school year, an early school picture and some facts about her that were gathered in September and May.

All About Me!

My name is: Belle

I am 3 years old (both months)

My hair is brown. (both months)

My eyes are blue (both months)

I am 41 inches tall (Sept.) and 43 1/2 inches tall (May)

My favorite food is Lucky Charms (Sept.) and peas (May)

My favorite color is blue (both months). Which is funny because she's been telling us green lately because that's Lilly's favorite color and she has to compete with her sister.

When I grow up I want to color (Sept.) and play (May).

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