Sunday, August 13, 2006


Granny keeps getting me cool stuff for my room, like this rocking chair. I didn't care for it much at first, but then I realized I can drive Mommy mad by standing on it (rather than sitting) and rocking back and forth. I had a good time Saturday with this. Mommy and Granny picked out some more decorative pieces for my room this week. One of them is the dragonfly pictured above. I also have some butterflies hanging from my ceiling. Daddy said I have the coolest room on the block and definitely have enough now. It's time to start thinking about my little sister, he said. We're going to share the "play area" in my room, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Belle, make sure you actually share your play area with your little sister (mommy didn't like it when her little sister tried to play in her room). : ) And you definitely do have a way cooler room than the rest of us, although Aunt Sara tried to color her closet to add a bit of life to the room, grandma and grandpa were not happy about that! : )