Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Potty training

There's a lot of new things going on in the Beckner house. Lilly told you about some new songs we're learning. And Mommy is trying to teach me to go potty like a big girl. Yesterday, I wore some big girl panties for awhile and read Thomas the Train stories, while drinking juice and sitting on the potty. I think Mommy was hoping she created the perfect storm for me to go pee-pee in the potty. But I fooled her! After a few minutes, I told her I no pee-pee in the potty and got up to run away. When I told her

that I was finished with the potty, Mommy said I had to put my big girl panties back on. But I didn't want to do that. She gave me the option of a diaper or my panties and I chose the diaper. I then decided that Lilly needed my panties more than I did so I gave them to her. Lilly is more interested in the potty anyway!


Anonymous said...

Oh my what an adventure......Just remember most kids don't go to kindergarten with a pamper in their lunch box. LOL. Maybe Lilly will teach Belle.

Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

Belle remember no matter what mommy, Grandma, Great Grandma or Aunt Dee say you are a child of God and your life will develop in His time not ours. Grandpa is excited to see you and Lilly you sure have grown since Christmas.

Love Grandpa