Monday, April 21, 2008

Circus & a birthday party

Grandpa turns 55 tomorrow. We're happy that we were able to celebrate his birthday with him this weekend with a trip to the circus. Belle enjoyed the elephants and the tigers. I especially liked the trapeze artists. And who could resist all the great food? Sno-cones and popcorn. Mmm. Mommy, Aunt Sara and Belle showed off their sno-cone tongues. The elephants were amazing at how they can stand on their noses. The small dogs that jump and do turns were pretty funny as well. At times, we were scared at the trapeze artists would fall. Belle kept saying he's going to fall, Mommy. I think she actually got scared a bit.
Later we celebrated Grandpa's birthday with a special dinner at Soho's and of course I had to ham it up a bit!
It was so much fun to see Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Sara. Aunt Sara was so much fun. She taught us how to roll down the hill. I then helped clean up by brushing the grass of her back. I'm helpful that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the gift you all got me, however the real present was spending the weekend with Belle and Lilly. These brief moments in time captured in my memory keep a smile on my face. It was a fun weekend.
Love Grandpa