Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Color in these dreary times

Belle's artwork is a colorful treat in these dreary, cold days. She's so proud of all of her drawings/paintings. We are enjoying all of their art supplies they received for Christmas. Every night, we either color, paint or trace letters. It's the first activity they want to do in the morning and the last thing on their minds at night.

Belle is doing very well tracing her letters and learning how to spell words. We're working on the word C-A-T.
Lilly is doing very well going potty more and more every day, with fewer and fewer accidents.

We're so proud of both of our big girls.

They are thrilled to be back in school and their normal routine. Belle's been so excited about school she's having a hard time sleeping at night.

There are so many wonderful changes taking place in our lives this year. The girls are learning something new every day. Daddy and I are starting new jobs this year. Daddy goes to work for Union Mission in two weeks. I will go to work for the Kanawha County Public Library at the end of February. Exciting opportunities (and a some big challenges) await us in 2009. We appreciate your prayers and support as we make these transitions.

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