Monday, April 26, 2010

Hopping for MDA

The girls are participating in a Hop-a-Thon for MDA at their preschool next week. All the students will hop for two minutes. The students solicit pledges for each hop they can complete in two minutes. Here's what the girls had to say about raising money, hopping and helping children who can't walk or hop.

Belle: "I'm hopping so people can give me money. I'm gonna give it to somebody else. It's for people who don't hope. They can't hop because they are in a wheelchair."

Belle has already solicited her first pledge from Grandpa: A quarter for each hop. She says she can do 41 hops.

Lilly is less amibitious with her hopping goal, but has set a higher bar for her donations.

Lilly: "I wanna raise money to help. I'm gonna do this in school. I can do 5 hops. I'm gonna get a $1 per hop."


Anonymous said...

I will donate to their hopping...$1.00 per hop of my Lilly you are expensive.....If you hop 5 times I'll give you $5.00. (Belle you too).

Aunt Dee

Battlebott said...

I'll donate as well. Although I'm only doing like a nickle or dime for all of Belle Maria's hops (cause I know that girl will hop) and 25 cents for each of Lilly's hops (cause I know she'll end up hopping more then three or four times).
Seriously though, how do I donate?
Those girls are just too cute and too funny!

Belle & Lilly said...

you can write a check to MDA and mail it to us. We have to turn in all donations next Thursday. So just send whatever amount you want. You can also send cash, if you want. I have little receipts we can give you for the donation.