Friday, August 11, 2006

Mini-vacation to Snowshoe

Mommy has some time off from work, so we went with Granny to visit PawPaw at Snowshoe Mountain (where he was staying for a work conference). Even though it was a short trip, we had a great time. There was a cool pool for little kids like me. Pawpaw took me down the big water slide several times. I put my face under water a couple of times and we played in the waterfalls and fountains. Pawpaw tried to keep close tabs on me, but I kept shoving his hands away.

Granny bought me some cute shirts, including the one I'm sporting in the photo with Granny and Pawpaw. We had s'mores (well I had it with no chocolate) at the Foxfire restaurant and I ate some more lemons.

I'm learning new words every day like "pretty," "turtle" and now I'm saying "amem (amen)." Granny and Pawpaw took me to church last week because Mommy and Daddy were sick. But they're both better now.

We're all just trying to enjoy this time together and getting ready for the arrival of my new sister. Nope, I don't even know her name yet!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Belle, Granny and Paw Paw had such a wonderful time with you and Mommy.You were such a good girl. We love you both so much, and always enjoy being with both of you.The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Daddy could have been there.
(we would probably have liked for it to have been a little warmer though:)
I love you! Granny

Anonymous said...

Belle, it looks like Pawpaw and Granny had a good mini vacation with you. You are getting so big and growing so fast it makes our head spin. God is clearly blessing you. Don't forget to tie your kangaroo up.

Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed seeing you at Granny and Papaw's on our way back to KY. You are such a sweetie! Jaymeson has been talking about you and is very proud of himself because he was so "good" with you. We know that as you grow, the two of you will have many good times together. We love reading about you and seeing your pictures. Tell Mommy and Daddy hi and we hope to see you soon!
Love, Uncle Richard & Aunt Jennifer