Friday, March 07, 2008

Lilly's first experience with school

Not the best pictures but these are the last moments in the house before Lilly headed off to her first day of "school." Ms. Kim, the director at Belle's pre-school, said Lilly could start attending on Fridays for Kid's Play with Belle. Lilly was so excited when I told her on Thursday that she threw her arms in the air and yelled, "yeah!"
On the way to school, I started getting nervous about whether Lilly would cry when I left. She was so excited to attend on Thursday but when we arrived at the church this morning I had to practically push her through the classroom door. She stood back and watched as Belle ran off immediately to play with toys and say hello to friends. Lilly cried a little, but Ms. Kim took her under her wing and started playing with her and she was fine. When Granny picked them up from school this afternoon, the girls were eating lunch. Miss Lisa, Belle's teacher, said to Granny boy she likes to eat doesn't she -- meaning Lilly. We had a good laugh over that. We'll see how interested Lilly is in school next week.

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