Sunday, June 01, 2008


It's official: Belle is accident-prone! I thought we'd escape the rest of her twos without another injury, but she snuck one in just a week before her birthday. She ran to get her shoes from the bench in our entryway, tripped on the rug and I believe caught her left ear on the corner of the bench. I didn't see the accident take place. I just saw her facedown on the floor, bawling. She didn't cry long. It bled a lot and I realized a trip to the ER was in our near future. I called Daddy to return from the store "Now!" And called Granny & Pawpaw for reinforcements as I didn't want to wake the crank monster known as Lilly from her afternoon beauty rest.
I thought for sure Belle needed stitches. But the wonderful staff at Women's & Children's ER (whom Belle entertained with her witty conversation) told us it was a clean cut and could easily be glued back together! Wish I would have known that -- I know I have superglue somewhere in this house!
So now the rule is running is forbidden in the Beckner household (outside okay; inside -- absolutely not!) Any offenses of this rule are punishable by spanking. Belle nearly suffered the same accident tonight because she was running. I think three more gray hairs popped out in my head this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Well Belle, this is minor grandpa has two scares at his hairline which, may start showing soon and four stiches on his chin. I have a scare on each shin two broken fingers and all kinds of emotional scares from the abuse you mom and aunt Sara give me.



Anonymous said...

OUCH, I feel her pain!

I used to use the self sticking pipe wrap on the sharp corners around my house. Didn't look so great but it was inexpensive an worked like a charm!

@grandpa ~ I sure hope that was all self inflicted!