No more ghost writers... Here are Belle and Lilly in their own words talking about the recent snow days.
I like to play in the snow. So I just roll around and I and I laugh and I like to scream at myself so that’s why that makes me happy. So I just play in the snow. In aftercare they don’t let me play in the snow, so we play in the gym. We all have a great family. The end.
I like to play with Ellie in the snowballs. And me and Daddy hit each other with snowballs. And we like to roll around like Sara teaches us. Normally, Lilly doesn’t like to play with me. So I walked away from her and played in the snow.
I played in the snow. Liked the snow and I didn’t want to play with Belle. So I played with Daddy and Ellie. Then I went inside with Mommy and drank hot chocolate and sit down and get soup and get hot chocolate. And then we had a hug and then I went back out in the snow and played in the snow. And then I go inside again. The end.
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