Sunday, March 07, 2010

Ferocious Tiger

Belle: I like the picture. People will know about it. They will love me drawing that picture by making other pictures that people will like. Loving... just like the others. Others can read about Egypt and God and He can know that we love him. Jesus will call you My Hero.
This is a tiger in Heaven and a tree in Heaven and a sun and grass in Heaven. It makes noises in Heaven.
Pocahontas love the boy. And it's just a movie. You can know why Ellie just has mud everywhere. She can make truth. If I try today... I love Mommy. I would rather care about my dog and Ellie will love me because I love her.
I have been getting in trouble, because I be bad all the time.
I'm happy that it's spring because I love the things we can do. We go to Granny's house yesterday. We rode our bikes and made some new friends. Sometimes we don't get to go anywhere because Mommy and Daddy doesn't like us being bad. And we beat each other back (hit). That's all.

1 comment:

Battlebott said...

Your artwork is fabulous, Belle. I love the tiger! Very good job.