That's my new catchphrase -- "Are you okay?" I often ask Puppy (my stuffed dog), or lamb, Mommy or Daddy, "Are you okay," even though they haven't fallen. Then sometimes I decide to throw myself down and ask myself, "Are you okay?" I also say "scuse me" when I burp, cough or make a noise.
You can't tell from this mugshot photo that I've been spending time behind bars, can you? When I say bars, I mean Mommy and Daddy keep sticking me in time out and I get put in my crib. I mean, what's a nearly 2-year-old girl supposed to do to have fun around here? They keep torturing me with different medicines. I'm on my third round of medicine for the sty on my left eye. Can you see the puffiness in the photo?
We've been pretty busy working around the house. We had a nice visit from Grandpa this weekend. I really like it when he comes because he takes me outside to play. I've been pretty unhappy since the weather has turned cold again. But we bundled up this weekend and Grandpa took me out. We went to the neighbor's house where I slid down the slide on my own. Then when we visited Rippling Waters to see Grandma and Sara during their retreat, I played on the big kid gym set outside. I think I've conned Grandpa Bott into getting my own set!! Happy birthday to me! Grandma and Sara attended a spiritual retreat this weekend so we prayed a lot for them. I have my prayers down now. Sometimes, I have to remind Mommy, Daddy and even Grandpa to pray -- like when we had dinner at Wendy's Saturday night. I placed my hands together and say, "I pray. Jesus, I pray. Amen." Then we all applaud!
1 comment:
Well Belle it was certainly a nice visit. Grandma and Sara had a wonderful time at their "Walk to Emmaus" and the time I spent chasing you around was as always to short. Grandpa gets excited over the smallest of achievements and the slide was such an accomplishment for you. Lilly is getting to be a big girl; you will not be able to ignore her much longer. It was so comical to watch her try to get your attention while you were watching "Shreck II". Thanks for the fun times.
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