Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sitting on my own!

Finally! I can sit on my own for a good 30 seconds at a time. I do better, however, when I'm distracted by a toy or watching Belle get into trouble. I still would prefer to be cuddled or just hang out on the floor where I can roll around easily or learn how to crawl.

We had such a nice visit with Grandma Bott last weekend. It was pretty outside so she took us for a wagon ride. Since it was so sunny, Mommy made me wear this hat so I wouldn't get sunburned. I didn't care to wear it, but every time I took it off she just put it right back on my head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Lilly! You are getting so big! Before long you won't be sitting, you will be running right along with Belle! You give Belle a big hug from us and we hope to see you soon!
Uncle Richard, Jennifer & Jaymeson