Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Well, I guess trick or treating is tonight. Mommy decided we'd just dress up and hand out candy at our house since Daddy won't be around to go with us. We had a busy weekend. We attended special ceremonies at the Women's Emmaus walk this weekend and visited with friends out there.

I had a spinach/carrot mix for my veggies these past two days. It's not as good as peas. It didn't go down very well. So Mommy said I wouldn't have to eat spinach again anytime soon.

I overheard Mommy & Daddy saying how fast I'm growing that they'll have to buy a new car seat soon. I'm about to exceed the length requirements. No wonder it's getting so snug in that seat. I tried to tell them I'm uncomfortable in that thing!

I don't return to see Dr. Skaff until Dec. 15. That's good news! Mommy & Daddy hope that we'll get into our new house before Nov. 20 (my dedication) so that they're not stressed with too much going on in one weekend. Talk to you soon. Love, Belle

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