Friday, October 21, 2005

Keep 'em on their toes!

Hello again,

It's fun to watch Mommy & Daddy drag themselves into my bedroom at 4 a.m. Their eyes are barely open and they try to smile, but I know they really wish they could sleep. I thought maybe Mommy would feed me early, but she just changed my diaper and rocked me back to sleep. I gotta do something to keep them on their toes!

Daddy is staying home with me today, so I'm sure we'll play some video games. As you can see from the photo, I like playing Daddy's football game.

Mommy & Daddy said they want me to be good this weekend and take lots of naps so they can pack. We hope to move into our new home soon. Repairs are taking place now and Mommy & Daddy finished the loan paperwork last night. We hope to be in the new home before my dedication on Nov. 20. By the way, I hope you'll come to church with us that morning.

Have a good weekend. I'm not sure when I'll be able to write again. We're headed to Morgantown on Monday and Tuesday. Mommy has meetings and Daddy has to fly to NYC on Tuesday. I hope he brings me back some bling, bling from the Big Apple!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!!! Have good move belle. Hope to see you on november 20!

Love you,
Cousin Momo
Auntie Jane