Monday, October 30, 2006


Aunt Sara looks like a natural doesn't she? Could this be a foreshadow of her taking care of her own children in a few years? We had a great visit with Aunt Sara this weekend. I (Belle) sure do love playing with her. Although, she was a little more uptight this time. She didn't want to let me play with the cans in the cabinet! We hope we see Aunt Sara a lot as we grow up. She lives up to her name of fun Aunt Sara!


Anonymous said...

Ah, Aunt Sara tends to bee just a bit conservative, but she won't admit it. We should have told her about the can stack played at Grandma's house.

Anonymous said...

No foreshadowing has taken place. Let us all calm down with the foreshadowing. And while I am a natural with the girls it's just because I am naturally skilled in most areas of life, lol. : )
And I can't believe my favorite niece would say I was uptight, how about concerned for your little toes?
: )