Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Great Pumpkin (Monkey)

Everyone sure likes monkeys this time of the year. I mean pumpkins! I sometimes confuse the two words. We visited Grandma and Grandpa again this week. Lilly and I went with them to help pick out pumpkins. I sure like picking them out, but I don't care that much about gutting them. Grandpa let me touch the insides. Yuck! They're gooey.

Mommy, Daddy, Lilly and I picked out our pumpkins last week, but we carved them tonight. Daddy sorted out the seeds and cooked them. I just helped Mommy sort and stack cans while they worked on the pumpkin. Occasionally, I would give them a peek to see what they were up to. Lilly did what Lilly always does -- sleep, of course. She isn't sleeping much at night. Occasionally, she'll cry and wake me up. I then have to make sure Mommy gives me some attention too.

It sure was a fun week at Grandma and Grandpa's. They let me run the house. I played with the cans in their cabinets and chased Penelope around the house. They also let me get dirty when I eat!

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