It snowed for the first time today. Daddy took me outside briefly to let me play in the snow, but I didn't really enjoy it. The wind was too strong. The snowflakes kept blowing in my eyes, which I told Daddy by saying, "eye, eye." I'm learning new words every day. Yesterday I explained to Daddy that my knee didn't hurt by saying, "No knee hurt." I am also learning new signs every day. Today, I signed milk. I still get confused with the sign for "please' and "more." If I want something, I usually just sign "more."
Daycare is getting to be more fun as well. My teacher says I'm coming along very well. I had a great day on Tuesday. I didn't cry very long after Mommy left. When she came to pick me up nearly at 5 p.m., I was playing happily in my classroom.
Mommy and Daddy keep trying to get me to use the potty, but I'm not interested in it much anymore. I have enough change to worry about with daycare.
I'm having more fun every day. I laugh and giggle. Belle really makes me laugh. And I slept throug the night for the first time on Tuesday night. Mommy said she couldn't believe it was 5 a.m. when I woke her to eat. I went to bed at 9 p.m. I figured one night was enough rest for her though and I had her up a few times last night. Mommy thinks it's cute to keep dressing me in Christmas outfits. I guess we have a few hand me downs she wants to make sure I wear.
Lilly Ann you are so sweet and beautiful. Your little smiles, and coos just make my day. You really think that sister of yours is funny, don't cha? You both are such good, and beautiful little girls, and Granny loves you very, very much!
You girls are just so cute. What would we do without you? : ) Can't wait to see you next weekend. Miss you and love you so.
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