Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas morning

Santa was good to me. He gave me a lot of great toys, including the one you see in the photo. It's called Gymtastics. Mommy said it's supposed to encourage me to crawl. Geesh. The lady won't let up about this crawling business. The other toy I'm holding is a giraffe to hold these funky blocks I got. They're called Peek-A-Boo blocks. They have different designs and things inside them.

Course, all the toys I received this year. Light up and make some kind of noise. I heard Mommy say something about removing the batteries. I got a lot of nice gifts from cousins, aunts and great aunts. And the grandparents and great-grandparents loved the calendars (featuring me every month) that we gave them. I didn't realize I was in such high demand. I'll have to do a photo shoot and publish a yearly calendar now.

Daddy took this photograph with his new Christmas present, a digital camera. Mommy said we'll have a plethora of photographs to choose from to post on the blog now. They were thrilled to receive that gift from Granny and Papaw. And Grandma & Grandpta Bott gave them a computer so we're really becoming a high-tech family.

We drove to Morgantown to see the Chase family yesterday. Today we visit with the Botts. Daddy and I slept in the car. Mommy said it was a stressful drive through fog and pouring rain. But Daddy wasn't feeling well and I needed my beauty sleep.

Today is our last day with Daddy for more than a week. He travels to Atlanta tomorrow for the Sugar Bowl. Those 'Eers better win. The least they could do for taking Daddy away -- so he'll miss his second anniversary with Mommy -- is come home with a trophy.

I hope you all had as wonderful of a Christmas as I did. Love, Belle

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