Thursday, December 15, 2005

Doctor's report

Daddy and I have hung out together this week. I like that. He makes me laugh -- even when my legs are sore from shots. I saw Dr. Skaff yesterday and received four shots -- two in each leg. One was my flu shot. I weigh 17.5 lbs and am 27 3/4 inches long -- both of which are in the 90th percentile. Dr. Skaff was impressed with my development and told Mommy and Daddy I can graduate to foods with a no. 2 on them. Dr. Skaff said he whatever Mommy & Daddy are doing it's good.

I've been running a fever today and a little cranky, too. I have to return to the have an ultrasound done in the next two weeks to make sure I don't have a kidney infection. I apparently did have a UTI when I had a viral infection. I was really sick! So now I'm on antibotics. Since I'm so young and I got a UTI, Dr. Skaff has to make sure I don't have a kidney infection.

Good news. I may get two front (bottom) teeth for Christmas. They should be popping through any day now. All I want from Christmas is my two front teeth! :-)

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