Monday, December 05, 2005


Hello all,

Belle is continuing to recover from her first illness -- some sort of virus. She was running a temperature of about 102 last week. We had to take her to the ER on Thursday evening. We didn't leave until 1:30 a.m. Unfortunately, the care wasn't that great and she had a lot of unnecessary tests run. They thought it could have been a urinary tract infection, which I guess is common in babies. So she had to have a catheter put in twice to extract urine. She didn't like that at all. She was all of sorts because it was well past her bedtime and it was too noisy for her to sleep. She also had blood drawn, a nose and throat swap. Apparently one of those tests revealed she had some sort of virus. Dr. Skaff said there wasn't anything to do other than let it run it's course. She has had some diarrhea for the past couple of days. We're hoping she's coming out of it and we'll be back to her old self.

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