Well for two days now, I've been practicing on my own. Daddy says I take after Mommy and get frustrated easily. I fuss when I can't get my way. And sometimes it startles me when I fall, but I'm willing and ready to get back up and try again. I love this new toy I got for Christmas. Mommy said I'm excelling past my development stage -- something about usually babies stand on their own or try to stand on their own at 8 months.
Great Aunt Dee says: You are just too smart for your age.....Wow look at you big girl.......Next it will be walking......Keep smiling sweetie. You are a doll.
Sweetheart you are such a big girl! I think you are just going to skip all the things you are supposed to do and just start walking. Oh well what can I say you are just above average in every way!
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