Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another doc visit

Yesterday, Mommy and I waited for 2 hours to see Dr. Skaff. By the end of the visit, we were both more than a little annoyed. He wanted to talk to Mommy about that reflux I have in my left kidney. It means there is a small leak of urine from my bladder to the left kidney. I'll be on antibotics for 6 months. Dr. Skaff also referred us to a specialist. I entertained myself for a bit playing with my tackle box, but then it got to be mealtime and I was cranky. Course, I always find Dr. Skaff interesting because of his accent.

The good news is the test for lead came back fine. Mommy & Daddy will continue to watch for paint chips in the house. Other medical update: I now weigh 18.8 pounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are doing well cute pie! Love the First Tackle Box and the fact that you actually play with it. So cute. Keep growing up big and strong and adorable. Cannot wait to see you again, hopefully it will not be too much longer. Miss you and love you.