Sunday, January 08, 2006

Gotta crawl, before....

Slowly but surely, I'm learning how to crawl. Mommy keeps putting objects (like my favorite toys) just out my reach so I have to move to reach them. I'm creative in how I obtain what I want. Sometimes I just roll from side to side until I move forward enough to reach the toy. Other times I slowly reach forward and then fall to my forehead to reach the object. Other times, I do a half army crawl to get it. I often get frustrated and yell, but Mommy just tells me to suck it up and keep going.

We had a relaxing weekend at home. Daddy comes home tonight and will be home for about a week. We're excited to see him. He is in Philly with the Mountaineers (basketball this time.) We're impressed they beat the third ranked team in the nation.

Another big development: I'm pretty close to getting my first tooth. The top right (my right) tooth is trying to pop through the front of the gum. There isn't enough to get a photograph yet. But when there is you can be sure that Mommy and Daddy will record it for the blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this might be the best picture of you ever taken. Could you get any cutier? I think not. I miss you and love you so much. I cannot wait to see you again. Don't grow up too fast!